
Puppetry Centre – The Magazine

Secondary Activities of the Association for the Publishing of the Loutkář Magazine (2002–2012)

Co-organisation of the annual puppetry festival Přelet nad loutkářským hnízdem / One Flew Over the Puppeteer’s Nest

Organisation of international scholarly symposia

2002 – Active presentation of museum collections at the beginning of the 3rd millennium

Museum of Puppetry Cultures, Chrudim

Commemorating the museum’s 30th anniversary

2004 – Dr Jan Malík, scholar and creator

Museum of Puppetry Cultures, Chrudim

Celebrating the 100th birthday of the museum’s founder

2004 – Mutual interactions of contemporary Czech professional and amateur theatre

Minor Theatre, Prague

Organised as part of the puppetry festival Přelet nad loutkářským hnízdem / One Flew Over the Puppeteer’s Nest, a confrontation of the work of professionals and amateurs

2005 – The problems of contemporary puppet theatre

Minor Theatre, Prague

Seminar focusing on the issues of puppet theatre dramaturgy

2006 – A tribute to Erik Kolár

Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre, Prague

Celebrating the 100th birthday of Erik Kolár

2007 – Interaction of the components of a theatre work in an international confrontation

Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre, Prague

2008 – Puppet theatre across generations

Minor Theatre, Prague

Seminar focusing on the issues of puppet theatre for adults

2010 – Problems of Czech puppet theatre in the European context

Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre, Prague

2011 – The current situation and new perspectives and trends of tertiary theatre schools

Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre, Prague

2012 – The contemporary means of media communication

Museum of Puppets, Plzeň

Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Loutkář magazine

2012 – Puppet and therapy

Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre, Prague


2003 – Puppetry calendar (together with the Museum of Puppetry Cultures and Czech UNIMA Centre)

2004 – Dr Jan Malík, scholar and creator(commemorating Jan Malík’s 100th birthday)

2009–2010 – Joint issues with the German journal Double (Double No. 17, Heft 2/2009, Loutkář 5/2010)


2005 – 15 Years with Přelet (Minor Theatre)

2010 – Twenty Years with Přelet (Museum of Puppetry Cultures, Chrudim and Minor Theatre, Prague)

2012 – A Century with Loutkář (Museum of Puppets, Plzeň and Minor Theatre, Prague)

Other activities

2006 – one-week workshop with Eric Bass (USA)

Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre, Prague

2009 – organising the celebrations of the 80th anniversary of UNIMA’s founding

Museum of Puppetry Cultures, Chrudim and Empire of Puppets, Prague

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