Loutkář/Puppeteer is the oldest theatre magazine in the world (first issued in 1912) specialising in the art of puppetry and alternative theatre. With 4 issues a year, the magazine regularly brings news, reviews and interviews with some of the world’s leading puppeteers, information and articles about puppetry festivals around the world, theoretical and historical studies, puppet plays as well as news from the UNIMA organization, with a brief summary in English in each issue. Starting from February 2013, we will be annually releasing one issue of Loutkář/Puppeteer completely in English, containing a selection of the best articles of the year.
The successor to the Český loutkář (Czech Puppeteer) magazine, Loutkář (Puppeteer), Loutková scéna (Puppet Theatre Stage) and Československý loutkář (Czechoslovak Puppeteer). The first volume of the Český loutkář magazine was issued in 1912 (it was published until June 1913) and then since 1917 under the name Loutkář (until 1939). After 1939 it was replaced for a rather short time by the bulletin Zprávy loutkářského soustředění (News of puppet theatre focus) and then in 1940–41 and 1945–1951 by the magazine Loutková scéna (Puppet theatre stage). After 1951 it was again published without interruption as the specialized monthly Československý loutkář (Czechoslovakian Puppeteer) and then after the division of Czechoslovakia again under the name Loutkář (Puppeteer) since 1993. A number of striking personalities from Czech puppet theatre life have passed through the post of chief editor – primarily Jindřich Veselý, Jan Malík and further Miroslav Česal, Eva Hanžlíková, Pavel Vašíšek and Nina Malíková (2000–2015) have been active for longer periods in the post. Kateřina Dolenská is editor in chief since 2015. Historically Loutkář is the oldest continuous puppet theatre periodical in the world.
Over the period of its existence the Loutkář revue has become a precious chronicle of Czech as well as world puppet theatre and it has tried to record and document its developmental tendencies as well as history. Loutkář was and is still determined for professional as well as amateur puppeteers and people interested in this field of theatre. It brings together amounts of material concerning domestic festivals as well as those abroad, permits publishing larger theoretical as well as historical essays, prints precious memoirs, portraits of important puppet theatre personalities, critics and reflections, practical instructions, summaries and reviews of new puppet theatre publications and magazines, news concerning puppet theatre schools and workshops and it also regularly brings scripts from puppet theatre plays.
The Loutkář revue also played a considerable role in the history of the UNIMA organization, being its press organization in 1929–30 and still regularly bringing detailed information about its activities.
Zdeněk Lepšík (6. 12. 1924)
Jiří Bláha (7. 12. 1939)
Lenka Kotmelová (16. 12. 1959)
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